
We founded the Swiss Ventures Group because the wealth of experience we have accumulated over the years is meant to be shared. Check out our news and find extensive background information on investments, startups and the world of VC.


Swiss Startup Capital AG to be launched in July 2019

Zurich, July 4, 2019. The Swiss Startup Group keeps growing. In order to manage and accompany venture investment transactions as well as investments in startups, a new subsidiary was founded: As of July 2019 the Swiss Startup Capital AG wil …


New Advisory Board Member Dr. Christian Wenger

The Swiss Startup Group is expanding its Advisory Board. With Dr. Christian Wenger, Partner of Wenger & Vieli AG, the Swiss Startup Group has gained one more top-class member for its Advisory Board.


David Allemann: «Having a great team can build a lasting company»

David Allemann is Co-Founder of On, the world’s fastest growing running shoe brand. We met him at the On office in Zurich (which is pretty much one of the coolest offices we’ve seen so far) and talked about entrepreneurship, letting go …


MoveAgain beschleunigt Wachstum und expandiert in die Westschweiz

Zürich, 10. April 2019 – MoveAgain wächst rasant – die Plattform verzeichnet ein starkes Wachstum. Nur 18 Monate nach Gründung werden über die Umzugs- und Reinigungs-Plattform bereits mehrere hundert Aufträge pro Monat abgewickelt. …